The purpose of this blog is to create a place to provide resources that may help to strengthen marriages and families and to record and share my thoughts, impressions, feelings and knowledge about a broad spectrum of family topics and in exploring and learning more about family functions and the influence family life has on individuals and society. Topics include family relationships, family dynamics, gender, family science research, intimacy in marriage, same sex attraction, parenting, etc. I am excited to share what I am learning about the family and hope that readers will feel free to share as well that together we might strengthen, protect and defend the family as the fundamental unit of our society. ** Please look for the FHE Ideas at the end of certain posts to use as a resource for your families.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

SOCIETAL TRENDS IN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: Modern Fertility Patterns and God's Commadment to Multiply and Replenish the Earth

Some trends in our society today include an increase in premarital sex, birth to unmarried women, number of people living alone, cohabitation, delayed marriage, employed mothers, divorce and a decrease in fertility rates, birthrates and household size.  Here is some specific online resources of fertility patterns:

Many myths are also floating around based on some not-so-reliable research, a decline in moral values and social movements trying to eliminate gender roles and identity and redefine marriage.

The myth that our earth is becoming overpopulated is just one of these very common misconceptions.
Is the world in danger of being overpopulated?  Please consider watching this 2 part video series:

I was intrigued with these videos.  Although it was not surprising to me to see that as the world has shifted its core values away from those that align with God's, that we will experience some pretty severe consequences.  Its never a surprise to me that the prophesies of old and the commandments we have been given are for a reason and eventually are proven scientifically.  It is surprising to me, however, that so many people in our faith continue to need "proof" of some kind to then really believe or trust in God and his commandments.  Bottom line... God knows more than we do.  If we listen to his voice and His servants we will be blessed.  If we do not, we have no promise.  It really boils down to that.
It absolutely does matter how many children we decide to have or are willing to have.  Of course there are circumstances that prevent couples from having children but the Lord know where our hearts and desires are and our willingness.  This decision affects myself, my spouse, my parents, my siblings, my grandparents, my children, my unborn children, their unborn children, etc., etc. We could go on and on about the far reaching effects of having children.  Have you ever considered that by choosing to bring one soul into the world and teaching that soul the Gospel of Jesus Christ, helping them to gain a much potential does that individual have?  How many lives will that one soul touch or bless for good?  How many generations of spirits will be affected if that one soul is truly converted to the Gospel?  The actual numbers are impossible to calculate.  And then if we multiply that number by each child that is born to us we have an endless opportunity to build the Kingdom of God.  As a mother I have only begun to realize the opportunity, duty and the responsibility I have in rearing my children in the Gospel.  I have five daughters and if I do what I can to raise them to desire to become mothers then I have succeeded in building the kingdom of God in more ways than I can measure.  Additionally, we should consider that the decision is not ours to make.  If we are here on earth to align our will to God's will then it is His decision how many children and when these children should be born to us.  Other factors like financial stability, emotional strength, being "ready", etc.... actually shouldn't play any part in our decision making process.  If we truly trust in God, that he knows what is best for us and for our children and for His kingdom then we will do His will no matter what.  I believe that too much emphasis is put on what WE think is best for us when ultimately we may have absolutely no idea what is actually "best" for us.  For example, someone may feel like they are not "ready" for children and that is perhaps absolutely true... no one is "ready" or completely prepared to have children.  You cannot be.  Having children is one of the most trying, faith building, strengthening, learning, stretching and growing experiences of your entire existence upon the earth.  And I believe that it continues to be throughout your entire life.  You are never done being a parent... you will always teach you children and they will always teach you.  Having children is also the most rewarding, inspiring, and joyous endeavor you can pursue.
"There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles, now what is our duty? - To prepare tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime.  It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can." - Pres. Brigham Young

FHE Ideas:
Watch with your family Elder Neal L. Anderson's talk "Children"
Discuss how some of our society's trends and beliefs differ from the principles found in the Family Proclamation.  How do our decisions regarding marriage, children and families affect our society and future generations.  It might be fun to draw out on a board to illustrate the influence one person might have on future generations.  It will surprise your kids to see how much their choices and their personal testimonies can influence so many for good.

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